Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day 2010

Left the house at 8:00 this morning. Went right straight to Anclote Park Boat Ramp. Saw 4 Quaker (?) parrots sitting on a fence right before turning in to the park. That reminds me of the time I was at HES a few months back and saw maybe 7 of them. Anyway, we got in the water nice and easy. Headed toward 3 Rooker Island only to find it was hide tide and the island had no beach! Wow, who'd of thought! Off we went off to Anclote where we'd been two days before. This time we went along the backside of it and had just the best ride yet on our boat! The water was like glass and the entire length of Anclote was just so beautiful. Some day we will go there for the day, though the beach is very narrow. At the end of the island we turned around and traveled the east side of the island. The beach that we'd enjoyed two days ago was gone, save for a small sliver of sand! High tide! So, we anchored in the water where I quickly discovered it made me nauseated, so we pulled up anchor and headed for the small sliver of sand down the way. Had to walk through some thick grasses where I always wondered what I would step in! I couldn't believe how many people had brought their dogs to the beach. Course, the beach was smaller so it may have concentrated the numbers of dogs! Two cute Yorkies running around enjoying themself and it was all fun and games till the male lifted his leg on my beach bag! Naughty! Then a few minutes later, he felt the need to come and lift his leg on my chair! Not nice! His owner apologized and brought me a bottle of water to rinse off any pee that got on my stuff. Joe had a hard time relaxing for thinking of our beached boat yesterday and kept watching it. Plus, there was 7 or so little kids playing right next to us. Having a great time playing with the poor little fish that got caught on the sand when the tide slipped out. So not so relaxing for us, but the weather held its' own and Joe had made us some great sandwiches. After awhile we went for a walk. The tide started to go out so you could see the island forming once more. So many perfect shells. The water washed over the sand and was only 3 inches deep. So clear and warm. So many people just having a great time. More boats came. We went for a swim. At 2:30 we headed back. I drove all the way on the back side of the island. So beautiful. Saw a dolphin briefly. Took the boat in and successfully brought it to the dock fairly smoothly. Stopped at Sam's Club on the way home where we spent the next hour or so cleaning the car and the boat. We just finished when a heavy rain opened up on sunny skies. Sweaty and tired we jumped in the pool despite some thunder in the vacinity. It felt so heavenly we decided to risk a lightning strike to the pool! Having been up since 4:30 for some reason, I am too tired to post pictures that I took today. We are eagerly anticipating a great adventure, yet to be determined, for next weekend!

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