Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 6

Joe-n-Michele's Excellent Adventure caught up with us today! We woke up at 5:00 and got on the shuttle to Hermit's Rest around 7:00 or so. The shuttle driver was a walking historian! Very interesting 40 minute ride to the end of the rim, the beginning of our 8 mile hike. We met a nice couple, celebrating their 26th anniversary by walking the entire rim in one day, hopefully. They were from Texas. We will never know if they made the entire 24 or so mile trek. Anyway, our hike started off cool and breezy. Not to hilly, and paved for a change! Along the way, there were so many pretty plants that I took pictures of along with some pretty steep cliffs we were quite respectful of! Sad to say now, but I did not make it past the 3 mile point before declaring defeat! Reluctantly, I reboarded the shuttle back to the hotel. Our intention was to drive to the overlooks we did not make it to on our abbreviated hike, but later found out cars are not allowed out there. So, we went to the hotel, loaded up our laundry, and headed out to the camp laundry. Joe wanted to take the shuttle to the laundry matt so he wouldn't have to give up his preemo parking spot, but I over ruled saying I did not want to lug laundry on the bus! So, we went and had a bite to eat at the camp store. Then visited the gift shop where I bought a nice snuggly, warm sweat shirt to wear on our last night here. I called home Jean, who is watching our dogs, to find out they are managing but truly missing us. Every car that goes by, they think we are coming home. We are missing them as well. Many people have dogs here with them, and I have to wonder how Lenny and Pups would like visiting the parks with us! Maybe next time. Back at the hotel, laundry folded and put away, Joe quickly fell asleep, and I finished a book I was reading as I dozed on and off. At this time, Joe has gone for some coffee, and we are hoping for a second wind and perhaps one last shuttle to the elusive overlooks along the rim. At any rate, we are leaving early tomorrow for Vegas where we eagerly anticipate embracing some warmer days. It has not gotten over 70 and breezy here at the GC! We had planned to stay at the Hard Rock in Vegas, but changed our minds after hearing that it is really a place for young single. Joe doesn't need to be seeing any of that young action! So, we are being more conservative and staying at a Residence Inn off the Strip, hoping to rest up for the 2nd half of our excellent adventure!

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